Do you have a buddy like a toilet bowl?

11:19 PM

Apparently I do. Just in case you guys have totally no idea what the heck am I talking about
Toilet Bowl Buddy is a friend that will be there for you,listens your ups and down despite she/he has been repeat that shiz for god know how many times already
I have one, Kahyian is the one who been there for me all these times, we knew each other like what, almost ten years (9 years now) so there is no secret between us and I can tell her everything with trust
because you gonna go to hell with me with so many of my secrets ahaha.
Ever since we done with our high school we didn't separate like other people do, we still maintain our relationship, still close than ever :)
well, we are out working on different industry but our stress is real,so we are both supporting each other. STAY STRONG AND STAY FOCUS like my boss always said.
that's me before entering to my work field,
I wished to be unseen and just sneak aside do my things, but apparently I am not born to be that, my team has encourage me with a lot of way, good and bad ones. 
 to be honest they can be super harsh :\
but all you can do is learn from it and endure it if its really unnecessary  

Back to this mood because I am. Loving My Job.

Oh yea, Do you guys have your very own Toilet Bowl Buddy like me?


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