Happy New Year and Welcome 2016 (lil bit of 2015)

1:23 PM

Happy New Year!

Not really productive with the recap of 2015
well not going to repeat what I have done because I done it from the previous posts
But I shall conclude it nicely
  • I graduate from College
  • Worked few jobs as part time and finally working for full time
  • Worked for past current and now previous company, loved it but need to closed the chapter
  • I did not spent enough time with my loved one, over worked.
  • Took a break from Youtube and social media
  • Did not lost but gained tons of weight, FML
Yeap, basically it is all about work and there are ups and down
but I am sure learned thing from 2015, not going to say I learned NOTHING
I learned how to be more positive, listen to people what they actually think.
It was pretty a great aka fudge up year because the end of it was fudge, but at the bright side
I made decision for myself.
and I will be more productive on document my diet journey, need to shed around 30 kg over here I am not kidding, I am super overweight and my health started to alarm me about it.
So I am not going to brag about what I WILL DO for my new year resolution
I keep it to myself and deep down wish that I won't fudge up my resolution again
(finger cross macam crazy)
I want to be more confident and positive with what I do!
Another note, for my friends and family :
Dear Family,
Thank you for supporting me all along with what I do and the decision I made,
I know I ain't a easy person to deal with but you all managed to survived through it
Again, I appreciate for that and I love you all, I will be good I promise.
Dear Friends,
It was a year that I did not spent enough time with any of you but I will try to squeeze out my time for y'all  for lunch, movie or party! Don't forget me and I apologize for not making those lunches and dinner happened too many times this year, and you guys are still with me
Again I am thankful for it :)

Dear New Friend I made this year,

It was nice meeting you all from different occasions :)
Events,Party and even from work, it was great meeting you all and thank you for all the wonderful advice on how to improve and be better in life :)
I am highly appreciate with all the advices and kind words from you guys
Hope to catch up with you guys soon!

So as today are the 1st day of 2016
let's make it a good one and I am ready
bring it on!



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