
Just so when i thought i can officially become a taiwanese, i already need to come back home. 12 April 2014

2:46 AM

As my title of my entry had told how much i wanted to stay at taiwan
well, i am already home a day ago, i suppose to say two days ago since clock past 12.
this is me and my family very first trip without hiring a tour guide and join in bunch of people
and that was a very last minute trip, i am rushing out my report in a day and i was planning to be procrastinating over my report but this trip had put me became a very hard working student already lol
this trip had bring me so much highlight to share with you guys but i think i will keep it to the next post of my blog entry about next week something 
just wanted to check in here and do some setting for my blog.
about this last minute trip, my parents actually secretly wanted to have a getaway trip but including us kids along because my parents love us that much and didn't want us to be left out. so when they told me and Vince about the trip i had mixed feeling about it, it's not like i am feeling 100% weird about it but i have some thing in hand and i have to complete 80% of em in less than 48 hours and i have pack for what i am going to wear to Taiwan! everything is just...


But that was a very nice try and we know we can do this without a tour guide because this is not the first we go to Taiwan so we basically know where to go at Taiwan, mainly go there for food and shopping :)
well, it's almost 3am right now and i better head to bed now.or else i can't wake myself up later for babysitting my baby nephew :) how i missed him :3


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