
Who doesn't like shopping? Iprice can full fill your needs here!

11:16 AM

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Whoever doesn't like shopping, You may assist to click (x) above on your tab at your browser :)

BUT WHO DOESN'T!!!! I know a lot of you still doesn't know Iprice as well as I do. 
but you boys and girls should drop by the website have a serious browsing session with it 
yes, online shops are not just majority for girls anymore, for you boys and man out there,
do come to Iprice and shops for what you want. do not be shy *pad on your shoulder*
haha, let's back to the topic we are really going to talk about.
 Iprice ( http://iprice.my), 
a website you can go do online shopping like taobao or any online website you name it.
but Iprice is a website that doesn't just providing online shopping but you can get coupon and best deal with a lots of brand in their website. like Groupon and Taobao compile all in one together :)
 This is how their homepage looks like when you log into their websites.
but then they will ask whether you are interest to sign up for a newsletter to get the latest news for the best deal. why not? I did sign up mine to get the best latest deal and coupons :)

 you can click the word "Brand" at the website, it will lead you to the brand section and you browse through the brands and check whether your brand that you looking for is in the sections from @-9 and from A-Z. :)

 I know I had done this section before but I will have to highlight few parts for it
here's the coupon and best deal parts.
you can click on the "go to the offer", "get the code" to get your coupons,vouchers or best deal. 

 You maybe realize there is a different selection such as this "Get The Code" for Style Tribute
but all you need to do is click on the "Get The Code" and it will bring you to this
 all you need to do is enter your email address, then you will receive email from them and get the offer by then :)
 the fun doesn't end there, you will see this at the coupon and deal section there
there is this Change Country for different countries coupon.
just click and do what I mentioned above, so your shopping does not just available in local but INTERNATIONAL BABIES!
Don't forget to check their popular coupons updates their latest deals and offers!
you may found your loves (products, not men) at that section!
Do not forget to sign up their newsletter to get the latest coupon, discount and voucher codes in Malaysia, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!
do go to http://iprice.my find out more!

here's where you can find them too:


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