Bloggers Brunch with Neutrax
10:28 AM
Sorry for the delay! I suppose to do this post right after this but I was so busy with works,
here comes one for the presenter, he was sharing his experience with Neutrax, he was in the coma and he recover from using coconut oils, it helps him recover from his illness or something, me and Vince was amaze with his experience and he is completely healthy now! can't believe it!
I will share it with you guys now! SO I went to Neutrax Blogger brunch, basically they are launching this product exclusively to us first to know more about the product so we can share with our reader, means you guys *wink* not sure anybody is reading me but thank you for the support all the way :) so let's not delaying this any longer :)
It was helding at Savaro restaurant at publika :) look at those goodie bags are for us :) hehehe
they were busy prepare everything for us, good works guys!
here is how they do their presentation and introduce us Neutrax product.
Personally first time visit this restaurant, despite the food was just buffer food like friend rice and so, but who would say no to free food, plus the food was nice. :)here comes one for the presenter, he was sharing his experience with Neutrax, he was in the coma and he recover from using coconut oils, it helps him recover from his illness or something, me and Vince was amaze with his experience and he is completely healthy now! can't believe it!
this is the Neutrax Original
Neutrax Original is made from Cultured Cocunut Extract with Bio - Lipopeptide.It is made through a proprietary advanced microaerophilic fementation process using carefully slectd coconut milk that is ethically harvested at a specific maturity.
All you need to do is take 2 tablespoons daily, unless instructed by doctor or health advisor, it is to be taken on its own or can be mixed with food or beverage, Neutrax Original is also suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding mother.
here's the benefits of consuming Neutrax product.
Neutrax also manufacture Neutrax Therapy Oil to apply for your skin if you are having any skin issue like skin infection or etc.
Neutrax Therapy Oil Intense Beauty Care's potent formula is 100% plant based, with Bio-Lipopeptide with no chemical substance,mineral- free, dermatologically tested and clinically validated to protect , nourish and revitalize your skin,hair and nails for a healthier and you will be more glowing than ever!
Neutrax Therapy Oil can help you deep moisturizing for a healthy glow, it protect against extreme weather,environmental pollution, and your lifestyle stress, Neutrax Therapy Oil also provide regulates sebum production, it helps your cell renewal and restoration (eg skin with burns and scars). It prevents premature aging,protects against UVA/UVU oxidation stress, Neutrax Therapy Oil also helps you rehydrate skin/hair,uneven skin tone,pigmented,sensitive and irritated skin (eg acne, eczem)
this is the different between a virgin coconut oil and cultured coconut extract.
so there is a different!
this is what inside the goodie bags!
nutrition bars, energy drinks with cans and smoothie forms.
two bottles of Neutrax Original and one Neutrax Therapy oil that cost more than rm100!
how lucky am I!
It was a great opportunity to get to know this product!
let me show some random moment from me and Vince after such long post.
He is testing the selfie mode from his phone camera
(fyi he is using a note 4 now)
We learned so much from Neutrax and can't wait to test out the results after consuming it!
I want to have nice hair,nails and skin too!

before the presentation start, I had eaten so much :00000000
my diet plan gone gao gao this time!
did I just said I wanna have nice hair,nails and skin just now? LOL what about diet :\
and shoot! Sorry for posting and sharing this SO DARN LATE!
BUT NEVERMIND! you can still get this promotion as tomorrow is the last day! this offer only available until 28 February 2015! means tomorrow is the last day!if you get the combo pack you will get the Neutrax Original and therapy oil for only rm99.90!
you can go to the nearest pharmacy or drugstore to get this promotion! whatcha waiting for?
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