
Taiwan travels vlog and blog.

2:11 AM

i know i know, for whoever is reading my blog out there i am very sorry that i kept you guys waiting for my blog post about my trip to Taiwan last month 
i have been trying to get rid of my procrastinating habit away but it seems still with me
i will keep my promise no matter what i will upload my trip and share with you guys,
as long as you love me, i love you guys even more okay? :)

not going to post long haul pictures first, for some people who still don't know i have a youtube channel at Youtube, you guys can subscribe me for my daily vlogs and Vince's gadget reviews impression videos :)
i will try to do some beauty review, not going to be a branded beauty product but something else that you guys might not know :) believe me, you don't need to spend so much money to get a over price product because of it's brand :)
do subscribe me if you have a youtube account, i will update you guys some daily vlogs of my life or anything interesting that you guys might want to know, be friends with me by subscribe my blog and vlog :) you can get to know me more by doing so :)

here's my vlogs when i was at taiwan :)

Part 1
 first day at taiwan

Part 2
met with my wifey and she brought me and my family around taipei!

i will update my part 3 soon!
do stay tune!

Speaking of my channel, Vince is doing some gadget review and you guys can find him at my channel and you guys can know more about
especially about this jumpstart powerbank, you guys should really get one for your own self!
check it out and know more about it, we have stocks to sell it out as well! do leave comment or pm us if you interested with it!

Vince just upload a Asus N550JK disassemble (2014) detail video to know more about this laptop!
due to some comments and there is feedback! i am glad! 

although my vlog and blog has no comment yet. lol....so sad...
do leave comment to give us some feed back! good or bad comments will bring you guys some improvement from us :)
well, we just started this since months ago so we should not expect everything to become as handy as we want it yet, BUT i do hope to get more views for sure because i would really love to share everything to you guys :)
well, there is a lot of assignment i need to do...so i might not update as much as i supposed to.
although i don't have to but i know there is people out there is reading my blog and watching my vlog
 thank you and much loves


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