
3:01 AM

Hey peeps, It's 2.40am in the morning, just feeling a little down on my week, I have been facing several issue on work and I am kinda need to diary this down so when I am successful in the future I can sit down and looking back all these negative shiz I have wrote.

Well, There are too many things that I need to catch up, paperwork indeed, but also some emails, not just work but also my personal email inbox, it's been ages since I lasted logged into and take a good ten minutes to brief through everything and also clear out some junk mails ( why do they even exist?)
there are two companies are asking for a shout out from me and I am still quite surprise because I am basically writing..crap? But still I would accept the offer so I replied some emails.

There are not much of things to update just wanna spread some negativity here (LOL) but I think I am so much calmer and move forward quicker than I thought or I should say I were. I used to sit down and down for this shit for like more than a day?now I am better, I take hours LOL..hopefully I can be more better like just down for like five minutes? There are a lot of way to distress for myself, but since I am working under F&B line there are actually no point eating can sure my negative vibe anymore. So lately I install some games call "smash the office" which you smash everything in minutes with different weapon (if you collect enough coins) So I had already half way, please imagine when I done collecting all of em, I would be lifeless then, it's hard to install some good games nowadays, what happened with the games creator :\ please come out something we could go viral or something,OR... make the sim (the free one) go viral again, make it more interesting for the designs for house and EVERYTHING.

My biggest accomplishment would be driving to Shah Alam, I took 20 minutes and I reach safely :) for appointment actually,well, I was eating alone at this hawker store and I find myself very lonely and almost cried while I was eating my pork soup noodle, I wonder why am I so sensitive nowadays, I think I can never allow myself to think anything while eating anymore :\

Conclusion to my bull shit for this post will be, I will work harder on work, but smarter way? and I will not allow myself to be emotional and so sensitive anymore because I know when I go home, I need to let go of my work. need to start schedule everything well from now on.

Time to sleep,3am exact. nights.


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