I took a day off for myself and some thoughts to share.

3:04 AM

Hey Peeps,whoever is out there
lil update for here for me to read in the future and laugh at myself,
I need a break from working, I need off days even though it's going to be a unpaid one.
there are too many things stressing over in my head, unfinished work load will never be complete but it will if I quit, lol but I can never be a quiter, for some certain mature worker out there, this might make me look immature, but I can say I endure quite a lot, or I should say too much?
There are so many misunderstanding and I have too many things running in my head
I even seldom talk to anybody but my clients :o

I tried to make my time off as much as I can today, well I did it,
not like this is a super hard things, I did went for appointment from the previous public holiday
ended up looking as stupid as I can :\
so lesson learned, time to work smart instead of...non-stop continue working until late night
getting screw wasn't fun and I understand how my family thinks regarding my current job
despite I love my job, but they are worried that I am going to be too exhausted over my job..
I had fell sick and nobody know for few times 
every night sleeps at 3am because I suffers insomnia nowadays...I sleep late,woke up not so early anymore, I am kinda sleep in too much and I can't be productive actually :\
this kind of effect my job, I need a time off to adjust everything :(
I am depress over little things during and about work. all day err day
I wish  I can go through this easily but why is it so hard for me to settle it and move on

I talked to people whom used to care about me and ended up with sarcastic respond with tease laugh.
I was thinking..is this how real world really doing nowadays,no warm greeting but cold..everything so cold, was greeting like a "how are you" "I am fine" "how's work""everything's good"
but for me...when I start sharing about how I feel about my job..
"so...what do you want me to say" smirky emoji smile..
what does this mean? I didn't do anything to you and I was here for you for the whole time back to the times we were friends and now we are not even there? 
I was right, nowadays...hard to get friends and you are lucky if they still treat you the same, mine already all changed and all I want to do is focusing my job instead of caring, keep telling myself to focus, but some how...shit's always happened.

Maybe I shall conclude this by stated my situation now is "bad week" terms?
please,end this September and hopefully October is a better months to starts up better days with improvement, time to sleep...

wish me luck

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