Me and my Air Condition took a break to each other.

2:39 AM

Well, as you seen the title, my air condition failed to function properly and decide to cry (leak).

I am a girl who love sleeping in super cold temperature and wear thick sweater with socks and go to sleep, as ironic as it sounds,I purposely make my room as cold as winter LOL
but I love cold room with fluffy pillows,who doesn't love it?

but my air conditional decide to leak in the middle of the night...
like this, I know I am over exerrating...but it peed crazily I mean leak, I was like man...can I not wake myself in the middle of the night and start wiping and get myself a bucket to fill up the water and let it drip or something, It was just one leaking point for today there are two. can you imagine they leak just like waterfall? lol

 I was so tired, just briefly wipes the floor although it's still wet..

 And I decide to off the air conditional instead and just switch on my fan
I changed my thick sweater into tank top -.-
and go to sleep...
 and the next day, after a night of just fan and me...
I found out my nose is not morning flu..
I am fine :D I mean...not so bad for me just sleeping with just fan.
a bit of sweat stain of course, or did I drool? lol
but overall I am surprise that I am not running my nose as usual
I am not suffering morning flu in the morning.
I am feeling good!
but still, I can't live like this for long...
dad, when is the mechanic coming for rescue?

hopefully whoever is reading this enjoy the GIF haha

Goodnight (2.40am at this moment)
I seriously need to go sleep


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