
12:28 AM

It's been months since I worked at my company now,nothing really improving from my side,beside things gone kinda worst, misconception on communication...feeling torn apart,even feeling isolate. I gave myself a moment thinking back how enthusiastic when I first joined into this company, doesn't matter that am I gonna get confirm because my friend actually recruited me! that feeling was so special when someone put faith in you and believe you could bring better future their company.

Now I have doubt, I really want to know what is the problem really is, I really would love to sit down and talk, I really want to..but for seeing how people actually treat me now, made me given up explaining myself, I basically leave myself to be judged,to be assumed. I am so tired. I was that kind of person who are so selfless and believe how people will actually treat me better if I do the same.

Apparently this doesn't happened in reality, you need to work better in order to get treated better. I can't sleep well every single night, I over worked and I runs all around the places I never been before,just to get my customer to know my company even more. But that is my job and I never complaint about the work load until I have been judged, on being assumed not making things happened, I have no idea. to be honest I have no freaking idea on what I should do!

I need guidance I need some understanding here, treating me bad does not make any good result,whoever you are, you are not making me any better but worst. I understand your situation,you've been scolded you've been covering my bad in order to keep me, I am thankful for that, but if this is not really happening.. Let me go.


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