A Day at Merchants Lane -Petaling Street-

12:37 AM

 Looking for a place to do your work secretly and not being disturb?
merchants lane can be one of the best place to chill, it is located at Petaling Street, there are no signboard of merchant lane hanging up high to be notice, but it opening at one of the heritage building at Petaling Street, what surprise me is I never been up to any heritage building at Petaling Street before,so I assumed the space will not be super big or whatsoever.
well,this unit is really large and that makes me wanna have this type of space as a loft for myself
lol..well back to the main about this place, personally when I first step in, the staff here is super friendly and you just need to walk over and order what you want to order, they will send it to you shortly.with you number on :)
 I like how they design the interior by still keeping the original deco and design and make maybe 70% or changes, Kenneth (the owner) is nice enough to share with me about his background and how he found his passion in coffee and ended up become entrepreneur of Merchants lane.
the unit was used to be a prostitute house and so happened they love this unit, because the space and wide ranges of opportunity of designing this place, as you know,make it more antique and tasteful :)
which I agree, the name "Merchants Lane" is inspired by the area, because Petaling Street is well known on variety of merchants trading so yeah, that's how the name come from :)
 here's the open air area of merchant lane,so whoever wants to have a cig can grab this spot,or if you prefer to sit outside you may do so,but personally love to stay in a chilly space, What is your choice?

 If you keep walking towards from the open air area, it will lead you to another indoor which I prefer people to stay there and have coffee or gathering instead,there are all tea table and comfortable couch to sit,around the place I found out they using chinese twisted joystick as decoration.
Kenneth joked about actually lighting them up so they can kick some mosquito's away!

 I asked Kenneth what is they signature dish to try on at Merchant Lane,
South China Sea is one of their signature dish and my feedback about this dish is surprisingly refreshing,the taste is not as strong as it looks,to me this dish is really light and preferably for people who recommend to eat less heavy,but the portion is good though :)
 Not forget to mentioned they have two poached egg along with this dish,there are no dressing but sprinkle with fresh jack-o'-lantern along with it
their hashed brown was spectacular #yummer ,it's savory and comes with little sweetness in there.
but the poached eggs was kinda disappointment, because the yolk wasn't like what how it will pop eventually by gently popping it by cutting it. it's fully cooked in there so hopefully the next time I come back the egg yolks can be superb juicy yummers so I can insta video it!
 not sure whether I ordered the right drink here, I ordered iced mocha as it is always my favorite
loving the design of the glass/cup though.
so although is icy cold but the water won't drip on the table and make it wet.
wondering where can I get those glass/cup?
 Had a moment of sitting at the open air area, and took a insert shot for this little plant that floats on the water HAHA, I call this artsy shot (not really)
 Had their signature flower tea too! forgot the name but I will definitely come back here since my working office is kinda everywhere! :)
The Friendly staff along with Kenneth (The owner)
love their vibe and sincerity with all of their customer, usually lunch time is the peak hours at merchant lane, if you go at after lunch time, you can definitely have your peace of space of working on your works with your notebook on, still, the interior design for this building and the concept of not putting up a signboard does make me wonder, there are actually a cafe owner does not want to be over expose and just want to accomplished his dream on owning cafe shop.

I will definitely come back, Merchants Lane :)

Address : No, 150 Jalan Petaling, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Operation hours : Mon-Sun:10:30 am-8:00 pm
Parking : Off Street & Parking lots
Contact Number : 03-2022 1736
Facebook : Merchants Lane Facebook
Instagram : @merchantslane

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