Bangkok, country with smile

12:52 AM

At the beginning of November,me and my family went to Thailand,Bangkok for a getaway trip for a 4 days 3 night kinda trip, I shall said this is the trip I took the least pictures because I mainly enjoy shopping and eating (kept forgetting to take picture)
well, it's been years since I lasted visit this country, always with that eyes of amaze of their language.

You can't really get it,or I should say
that's it
 So this is the hotel I stayed for 4 days there, Mercure
not sure what is the meaning of it but this hotel is a OKAY for me because it's nearby the station name "National Stadium"station for the BTS station.
 we went chatuchak by BTS, much thanks for the bellboy taught me which station to go for and change the right inter-change to another station to reach chatuchak.
 If you need any ride,Taxi or Van, transportation that you need, there are people is going to help you to get a ride so it will be hassle free for ya to walk to the street and wave your hand or..your hairy leg? But so far we only suffered one taxi ride that conned us about 200 bath when we agreed to take that cab for just 100 bath for that ride, A-hole taxi drive. :\
 When you reach Mercure, you need to take a lift up to 9 floor to check in to your hotel, unlike the hotel we usually see, walk in and you see a counter,NO, you need to take a lift to reach to certain floor to check in to your room. so far Mercure served us well and they provide free WiFi service as long you ask *Wink Wink* take note kids..take notes.

and this is the lounge for the out door.
I prefer to stay indoor because the weather is killing meh :\
so here's my crib for the next 4 days, looking comfy, didn't ask for more than just that so I am alright with the room! basically the color and design is good, loving the hotel bed and pillow all time because they are all fluffy, imagine you had shopped and well fed for one whole day..
all you need..just a comfy bed and you just going to sink into that bed!
 the coffee/tea/water counter that always there.
used that water cooker for that 4 days to cooked the water that I wanted to drink for the next day
just so you know...I need to get myself more hydrated than before because the weather is too hot!
water is a must! drink more water when you are at Thailand,trust me you won't be going to much toilet because you probably sweat it all out :\
 The Bathroom
with bottles of the essential, but guess what,I did not use them at all because I bought my favorite shampoo and body at thailand 7-eleven, snapppp!
 My heaven, the 7-eleven
which provide me lotsa food when I am hungry at night or breakfast...
I never take the breakfast package from the hotel because my mama told me it doesn't come along with the booking package for the hotel staying.
WHICH IS GOOD, because I really doesn't bother to eat their breakfast because it's just another breakfast you are going to have at the other hotel
so this time around I chose to buy myself a breakfast at 7-eleven and continue my trip for the rest of the day!

not gonna lie they even sell birdnest as beverage at there :o
and sandwich,burger and siewmai :o
remind me of taiwan 7-eleven!
nothing can compare with taiwan and thailand from now on.
I am going to explore the world 7-eleven LOL joke
Not to forget to mention about their sky level swimming pool and gym fitness room.
well, nothing big to expect because I won't be going to gym (smack me if you want to)
and I did not go to swim because I was on my period knn I wanted to cry
So here's the swimming pools,
after all the touring at hotel me and my fellow family member decide to go out for a walk,

But first we went to MBK mall first before all the exhaustion begin.
So we climb up to the BTS station to cross through to MBK.
We walk through and believe me the weather is killing every single cells of me.
thanks fat...why aren't you guys left.
So now we basically need to get our bag check before entering the mall, when I visited was before the Paris Terrorist Attack, so I was getting my bag which is a huge one checked by the soldier army you name it, and police officer to prevent if I ever bringing in a boom and decide to explode myself.
which I didn't knn LOL
Well MBK was a disappointment to me, I expected something like a wholesale items, well, it was a design platform for the designer to sell their items, which I will never even consider to purchase,sorry designers :\
When we went up to level 3 it was like Lowyat lol, there were hundreds of stores selling phones and cases,cables and even laptop,I aint sure those items were legit but I did not shop anything from MBK.
Hundreds of stores around at that levels, which was Vince's paradise, he was looking for phone cases but he did not get what he want.
interior of MBK
And the weather did not stop the shopping blood in me, we walked all the way from MBK to siam center,siam paragon and what so ever you name it, sorry I am not the best blogger here.
my camera was dead and mostly all my pictures are from my phone
interior of siam center, which is where the sephora,forever 21's and those branded brand
loving how the interior which help Vince to get inspired for all the upcoming event ideas.

There was a art exhibition going on at Siam Center, too artsy I can't event.

And we crossed the road to Siam Paragon, which is their freaking Nu Center at KL.
There were this trend of japanese food at their country right now, whole straight rolls of Japanese cuisine and korean cuisine, mana thai cuisine -.-"
 Best buddha hand posing Vince -.-"
and we went to this four faces buddha, the crowd is not getting any less although there were a explosion incident happened and involved with Malaysian died into it.
well, again the weather is killing me but I am enjoying with the flow of the journey so far
my foot hurts, I wore the freaking wrong shoe. Shouldn't have changet to slipper and continue wearing my sport shoe.
Forgot to mention about this first mango sticky rice we had at Siam Paragon, which is nice and cheap! 50 baht which is ...rm5?
It was major yummers!
Took this picture of the tuktuk whom tried to con us to pay 170 baht when we got a tuk tuk for our parents for only 100 baht, knn why want to con us -.-"
and the driver was listening music and speed like nobody.
dangerous but yet, I enjoyed the ride because I can feel the wind,with polluted air.cause we are in the city. huhuhu
later at night we went to china town to have dinner and we got con for 120baht when the driver promise to collect 100 baht for that ride, knn why again and again.

So we went to T&K which famously their smoked prawn and deep fried seafood.

It was so happening and the crowd did not stop even when the clock strikes 9pm!
but overall the food is good, as it recommended
went back hotel still eat instant noodle HAHA

Day 2 at having breakfast at the nearby kopitiam at bangkok,
just ordered their plain noodle with fish cakes and balls. lol
and this french toast in pieces with butter and sugar is the must to try!

the french toast lady who had her eyes on my brother lol
at the BTS station waiting the train and bring us to Mo Chit station, which you need to take this train to Siam station and inter change to another lane to Mo Chit. which is going to bring all of us to Chatuchak straight. because if we are going along with taxi/van is going to cost a boom
so we decide to take train which is the best experience because you get to experience with the locals :)
so many thaiiii hahaha

We reached!
Look at those colorful cabs and buses
after a short distance of walking we reached chatuchak!
the shopping heaven :)
I think they sell almost everything here, you name it, and you going to notice it
Well, you need to have the skill of killing the price,which is part of the fun during this travel,
if the dealer gonna charge you like 380baht you can bargain with them until like 200baht if you are super good with the thick face and the language I meant body language

The street food I never really get to try because I wasn't allowed to :\
The local called chatuchak "jatujak" knn I was wrong.
Fried chicken with rice and plain chicken soup
Mango sticky rice again with unflattering flower and mango.
mango was sour though, bad luck

And we back to the city and visited platinum mall which is their wholesale shopping mall!
cheaper clothes! cheaper!

It is crowd as fudge I can't even, but I thought the clothing was really cheap but turn out.
NOP. I think its because this place turn out to be the tourist point so things need to get more pricey.
buddha damn it.

It was a nice fun day of shopping for clothes, we ended up getting our dinner at the food court and done of the day, but I still managed to sneak out and get myself some fast food which is mcdonald,
they were having this promo of the months which is the salmon burger, turns out the food wasn't so bad, still go to 7 eleven which is my paradise, I shall admit I go to 7 eleven every single day when I was at Bangkok,knn I was crazy for their products so does their food!

Day 3, which is the day visiting the temples, and water market or something.
Reached first stop which is the railway market, rumor has it that when the train passing by the marketer need to keep their up until the train fully passed by, which is something interesting for tourist to experience but too bad the train wasn't coming when I was visiting.
We had the most tasteless chicken rice which my dad insisted to makan because he was starving and he couldn't wait
very tasteless,no joke
Chill and relax
There we go, at the railway market.

something similar that I kept eating.
plain soup with wanton noodle with fish cakes and balls
their dressing is interesting, must have sugar want lol

and we reached another stop for the water market
when it's out turn to enter the boat/sampan/ whatever you name it
because my size is too huge,so does Vince.
so we seated separately, and he get the front seat and he is not taking any picture for me, knn
me and the brother girlfriend whom is super pretty. what am I :(

here comes the scary part, these people who selling tourist items are scary
they have this hook to hook the boat to reach us. knn I told the people that I am not purchasing anything but they don't seems to care la, and these people keep asking us to buy, I just want to makan and sight seeing leh. :(

the GT5 moment here, but traffic jam la XD
here's the funny part, none of the people at the boat want to buy food to makan besides me.
You may slap me now. but this is too good!
I had coconut ice cream with chocolate syrups!
And my brother bought 8 singlets for his friends which we had this super bargain price.
call me #thickface
Buddha is looking at me, and their are quite scary to be hang up like that
here's me and the cocunut ice cream
kindly ignore Vince and the brother girlfriend.

So next stop we went to the wax museum, which remind me of the these movie series which is Night at the museum, knn I kept imagine all these wax people or animal is going to wake up at night
and walking around at the museum. HAHAHA

Well compared to another rest of the wax, the monks wax was too real, I thought they were real!
except they are not breathing..but the texture and everything from the body is too real!

Those kings from Thai wasn't looking too real..though...
The mother of the king whom super talented with everything.
got so much knowledge from the wax museum and didn't know the royal family from Thailand is so..wordless I am sorry.

Thailand famous myth stories character. seriously whats with that mermaid :0

So after the famous wax museum, we reached at the grand palace which is the "must"go travel spot
speaking about "must" does include a lot of tourist because this temple is so holy until you need to cover up your arm, your leg, basic you can't expose too much because that shows that you are disrespectful of the grand palace,can't be super understanding about it because the weather is killing me and I am basically a melting butter. my goodness I have no idea how many times that my shirt has been soaked in wet and dry already.
Look at that crowd, me and my family decide not to go further in because seriously, no point.
the tourist is super happening and estimation numbers of people was 10 thousand, like fudgy rally leh knn, so we just took picture around there and planning to explain to our relative why we didn't go in
so Imma tell you guys why we didn't go, because of the crowd, too much plus the weather is too hot.
Imma just take a selfie here
Our next stop is the Big C Market, which conducted with four malls together I assume?
forgot how many malls together liao
so this is one of the mall which I forgot the name.

My uncle wife whom are actually a very pretty thailand women :)
she brought us to this Niku King,which is the "must go" for all the local, so we are kind of the only tourist came, I believe the manager was like "wtf? I can't speak engish, shizz got tourist"
but then I should say, this is the best meal I ever had! no limit! because it is a barbecue buffet
Japanese one some more!

and we start grilling!
some sushi

beef piece!
yummers salmon!

after the meal we headed to chocolate ville!
I can be super honest, beside this is a place good for photo,
the restaurant is no a go go thing, according to my thai aunt.
It was the final night, I was so looking forward to go home!
well, something happened when I reached the airport
everything was fine at first until, I had a chicken rice at one of the restaurant
which was the major reason why I throw up all the way from Thailand to Kuala Lumpur
it was just a 2 hours flight, but it was the longest flight I ever had
I vomited around 6 times in total included while I was in the plane.
before I depart, I went once to the toilet, this lady from China basically wanna cut my line
I speak to her darn stern, and tell her " I had been waiting for my turn for more than 5 minutes now, plus I am not going to pee or poo, I am going to puke,so do not cut my line or else something bad is going to happen"
That lady walked back and look at me like I am going to eat her up or something
and gossip about me.
well, cold sweat and vomiting all the way.
did not sleep or eat.
Food poisoning it is.
and that is how I kinda end my bangkok trip

It was a very awesome trip, its just that I ended up badly
because I puke :\

well, I spent the longest hour to type this trip
and probably the longest post with not much word!

Thank you for reading LOL


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