A Comeback Needed

11:02 PM

Merry merry christmas! :)

Not like me saying this for the first time, I did not frequently posting shiz for my blog due to because I have been really busy, but I will never ever going to let this become my excuse to procrastinate forever. So I am hereby to send you all some regards from me and I believe this is a decent post to post as a comeback from me.

This year has been a very fruitful year for me, I get to know so many people from different occasions and event. but people do come and go. Most important thing is I get to experience so many thing, and found out my own gifted ability on certain on work, let me update you a little some some. I am quitting my current job. not going to explain much about it I am going to take it as a chapter that need to close and prepare for the new one. 

Indeed I love my job but deep down quitting my job is a right things to do.
seeking for more new opportunity more things to learn.
I believe I can do this.

Regarding about my social media updates :

I am going to update you guys two videos which will be coming up tomorrow :)
I am on Snapchat, so screwed and addictive..I was so unamused by the fact that you are updating your daily basis to people and your images and footage will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.
But after some guidance from my sister whom stalked a lot of good looking man and social media influence, I found out that THERE ARE  people would love to get to know what am I doing instantly plus I love sharing what I am eating 
(that's the main thing I am kinda doing most of the time this year)

No Xmas tree picture from me because there are so many thing in mind so many things to do.
I am not even that interest of standing in front of the Xmas Tree and snap a picture of myself
but I do found out I loving sour cream flavor for my auntie anne prezter.

There are still many more to come and I wish whoever you are stay with me
Angelinespongy is coming back with you guys with more stories and video in my life :)
as usual, I love to share my life with you guys. this is my main goal :)

Merry Christmas and I love you guys.


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