not my good monday today,sigh

12:28 AM

 today is not my good monday,seriously,keep kena screw for nothing.
first the mother and another is the lecturer and my grandma,
i can tell how bad my day had gone bad enough,seriously what is wrong with ya all,
are you guys on period or you having menopause or something?
 i tried my best to avoid it but..still can't avoid because how the fuck i know who is going to screw me for nothing?
 at first in the morning,mom screwed
in the end i just tolerate the shit outta me.
but i cried a bit,shit! what baby of me
second,this place,i guess this teacher is having menopause today
damn i just whispering i guess i respect you enough already,you better don't do that next time
you made me stuck in a fucking awkward situation!
you think i wanna be in there looking at you doing something i know how to do meh!
what the fuck!

okok done rant about my worst monday ever in my life :)

just wish tomorrow i can have a nice day ok? 
please i just please for a good day.
i guess my day is getting more miserable than ever day by day just not my good day,i would rather not to go close to the class today so nothing is going to happened!
fuck my life man...
guess so gotta go head to bed right now.
damn my sleeping problem is coming up to the another level,not a good level but bad.


goodnight yo whoever reading this :)

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