it's my feeling,i don't lie about it.

1:13 AM

sometime's life is a bitch,or i can it can be a bitch all the time in your life,
and of course, i have a real pain is going to haunt in my heart forever in my life,
yes, my life is changing,it has to be change...i am the one who drive a stick to my own heart and his heart.
but the reason why is this ending is because there is a part of me died piece by piece...
you maybe blaming me,why am i dumping you away,because i know i am no longer your only one is your life,it's been very long time that i haven't hear your voice,it's been a very long time never see you in real's a lie if i said i don't miss you at all...i maybe shutting you out of my life but deepest in my heart,you place can't be replace.and i believe in myself,this feeling will not fade away but getting deeper day by day,i tried so many method just to forget you,yes i pick the most hateful guy you hate to forget you,but just hope you will feel and knowing that,i always love you and in my heart,you are always there.
i know you hating me to death right now,but just so you know.i am letting you go with other girl that you actually happy with,and boy,i love you in another way that you will not notice and know forever.
if we are meant to be,nothing to tearing us apart.
it's been so long we gone apart,maybe we are not meant to be,
or maybe we will get back to each other one day.who know?
i'll let the god decide for both of our destiny,
end up hate,forget,or together?
we'll see...

i know it's wrong,but this is the way i love..
hate me? love me?
you guys decide whoever reading this

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