oh heyyy october is ending,hmm...

12:16 AM

 oh hey peeps..
i am sick lately,fever,sore throat,flu and coughing like coming one by one
my body is crashing down,i missed like 2 weeks of gym...
and house having renovation some more,i look terrible like hell..

talk about my october,my house is happening to have renovation,like ten years plus 
like the all the old fashion feeling in my house is gonna be long gone forever.
i am not ready to this but seriously i can't wait the outcome of my new home
heh,sounds like i am moving to a new house aren't i?

 mom decide to let go of this purple cupboard,this closet is like...20 years old? 
it's hard good quality wood,so like it's heavy like hell...lol when i first starting to sleep alone in this room 
it's already there,and i been begged my mom to move this away but mom choose to ignore me -.-
well,the time has come,so mom hire some worker to move this closet away from my room 
i stick a lot of stickers and photo's and some cute picture on it to make it look nicer
now it's like i have to say good bye..hmmm

T.T bye bye cupboard that make's my room so much smaller
 bye ~ T.T
 see,my room look so much bigger right now.like more space already
hmm notice the wooden thingy on the floor? it's changing to white brick already.
looking so much nicer now,and the wall i decide to be super baby pink and white
 see! so much bigger space now!
took out all the stuff hmm..headache that why am i having so many stuff hmm~

heh,don't screw me :)

well,done talking about this renovation shit,i need to say this,dust in my house is like EVERYWHERE
and i am sick right now,can't really help my mom,feeling guilt, and i am going recover now! have to!
dang i feel bad when i am laying on the bed and not helping when everyone is doing all the hardwork!

well,to be continue about the renovation....~
Due to my assignment i went to Genting Halloween Horror Spirit thingy as my Event photography session
went with weng seng,lemon and ting wei and VINCE
good time and the atmosphere QUITE a bit scary la~~
but still a good event,since genting have so many horror story until the event department decide to do this

that dolly girl with pink cloth is SO FAMOUS at that place she stand,dang,everyone wants to take picture with her because she's like the girl in the picture at facebook to introdude this event so like she is famous 
anyways here's my october end...NOVEMBER I AM WAITING FOR YOU
treat me good okay november?


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