
Midnight post. #i dont know how many was that.

4:13 AM

it's almost 4am in the morning i am still worried sick about Leo,
Leo is me and Vince baby dog, it's a golden retriever and he is a super smart happy dog
something happened to him on his favorite day, Friday.
he got stung by over 40 to 50 bee's attack during his nap at the afternoon
i wasn't there i was at one utama planning to work out with Vince and my sister.
i got a call from my aunt and she told me Leo got stung by a lots of bee's and she need me to go home as soon as possible, so we all rushed home to Leo and found him being weak already, i went up to the Leo cage and found there is over 50++ dead bee's laying in the cage. i was shocked and worried about Leo and keep thinking what should i do next, my dad just got home when the incident happened, he help Leo got out from the cage and spray the mosquito medicine around the cage, my dad spray some at Leo body because there is bee's stuck in his house rolling around, omg i can't even imagine how gross and painful for Leo to feel that.So me and Vince brought Leo to the vet and see whether the doctor is going to help Leo,the vet that we usually go is closed and the doctor doesn't answer our call,
so we brought Leo to the closest so called a EMERGENCY clinic but heck the doctor refused to do anything about it, he just told us to send Leo to KL animal hospital, because he has no professional equipment to check on Leo condition, i was panic and Vince driving very rushy and rude on the road,for those who saw a psycho on the road, i am here to apologize because we were panic and wanted to send Leo to hospital as soon as possible.
he is beyond clingy as he used to be because he was phobia over what happened to him

 and all i can do is just keep telling him that me and Vince is here for him
and keep telling him that there is no more bee's around him
he understand what we say and he finally keeping himself calm...
i almost cried during sending him to hospital because i am so worried what is going to happened
 he starts getting drowsy when we are on our way to hospital
we keep calling his name and ask him not to fall asleep
and he fainted for several times but he made it to the hospital
he does vomit on me when i was rubbing his head as he love how i rub his head
i am even terrified over everything,like mega beyond sakit hati sampai tak tahu nak buat apa
 we brought Leo to the counter and did our registration for his medical check up
luckily Leo still can walk by himself and we don't need to carry him from the car to the hospital

so this is how the hospital registration and check up room looks like

 it looks not so modernish but i can surely tell you the place are super clean.
it doesn't smell poopy and pee around the place
 all we do is keep talking to Leo. keep him awake although he is drowsy
before we are advised to come to hospital,the vet doctor has test whether Leo is having fever or not
in the end he is having high fever due to bee stung
because he might be got himself poison from the bee's or something

 Leo on check up table waiting the doctor to come.
 he has zero idea what is the doctor going to do to him.
me and Vince was there all the time for Leo because he is scare of being at the vet of clinic
nor mention about hospital so my Leo needs me and Vince to be there
 after the check up the doctor suggest us let Leo admit for a night to check more further detail on his condition and case, we even brought those damn bee's to show the doctor see whether this bee is poisoned bee or not. so i went to pay for deposit and another stack of papers for Leo medical check up bills, it was higher than i expected but i didn't care so much about i just want my Leo to be better
 "Daddy can i go home, i don't wanna stay here"
"you dumb dumb you kena stung by bee's leh, you are suppose to stay here for check up"
 "it seems like i have no option about this, gahh i feel so drowsy let me sleep"

 i was expecting Leo is going to have his own wards or something, i think too much
i fantasize that Leo is going to have his very own space such as carpet to let him lay on since here is air conditional, but the crew just send Leo to a small cage with other dogs. hmm
 can you guys see how sad and scare is Leo?
he keep looking at us and trying to tell us that he wanted to go home.
 mommy is going to pick you up tomorrow okay?
please be good and you can sleep as long as you want okay?

 he has to put a drip on because he is not feeling well, he might vomit any minute so they need to put a drip for him. there is flavor according from Vince.
although everything seems fine but i know Leo condition is not as good as you guys see it from the picture, he might got himself poisoned and die any minute if he is not that lucky.
doctor can't even make sure that Leo is going to be alright, no one give me a firm confirmation on his condition. i am worried and i can't sleep so i decide to blog this incident, i am going to find out why there is bee's around my compound and i want to know where they come from.
Leo, mommy and daddy is coming to you soon okay.
do dream about mommy okay.

loves lots

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