
Rainy Sunday 27 april 2014

4:46 PM

Happy sunday guys, or whoever is reading this, it's a very chilly rainy sunday today and i didn't do much things for today, being depressed until Vince got me some milk and some healthy snack because i am not feeling well for the past few days,i felt so bad and i actually went to toilet for don't know how many times, i didn't count because i am so exhausted, Vince insist to bring me to doctor but honestly i kinda glad that i am having diarrhea at this moment because my tummy is getting smaller and smaller after i am back to toilet, i know this is not a good thing but maybe it's time for me to like detox some bad fats or extra that has been stuck in my belly for quite some times and although my stomach doesn't feel so good because it has to warn me to go toilet la you know, so in these two days most of the time i am having stomach aching, i can tahan the pain la, but you know it doesn't feel good so i am having these like love hate situation with this diarrhea situation, i have so many editing haven't done yet and i have not been vlogging so quite some time because i am busy being lazy every single day. :\ bite me if you see me outside okay? sorry for being so lazy and i know there is people reading my blog :) thank you for that, i haven't share my thoughts on my first week being back to college yet to you guys :) well, everyone looks really bored back to class but i believe we are happy to see each other, i guess? went asked few of my classmate how was their internship so and so, and i still confusing on what classes i should take because my schedule is kinda messed up yet. but i will figure it out.

can't believe this is my final semester at IACT College already, it has been quite some years for me, i have met a lot of awesome people at the college also some people make me realize that they can be very tricky to use you to complete their task or what so ever. :\ but i am a very forgiving person, i decide to forget what happened in the past and learned my lesson. so yeah, don't cha try to twist my head and what so ever once again okay? be nice and be good. Vince is sleeping at the couch because he love to nap during rainy day so he kinda have this bad habit to sleep every rainy day. okay i shall stop here, and i will update more entries here soon! do follow up my blog and wait for my upcoming entries!


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