
Insect Shelter House:Turning Caterpillars into Butterflies

6:09 PM

 Just in case you guys didn't know. Me and Vince has create a shelter house for insect most of the time, we keep the caterpillars until their time to become butterfly.
we feed them, and let them rest or do anything in their routine
we did this because we know they are going to become butterfly when they start creating chrysalis 
then wait for two weeks they will become beautiful butterfly :)
people always saying that caterpillar is so darn ugly and they just step on it
did you know you just ruined a chance for a caterpillar to become a beautiful butterfly?
we protect them until their time has arrive.
we did this few times and we didn't fail :)
but this time MAMA TAN brought home 7 caterpillars which is mean is another first time to us
so we mark our day today as first day for them to be at our insect shelter house :)
 Vincent putting branch into the insect shelter house for the caterpillar to lay on

 they look so fat :) Vince said it might turn into a moth o.o


good luck Macha's

can't wait to see you guys turning into beautiful butterflies :)


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